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Tufts University: Halin Schendan - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Halin Schendan | PSY001 - INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2006-01-26

With her colorful, animated Powerpoint presentations, she is a more interesting professor than Phillip Holcomb. Her almost daily interactive demonstrations also make the class better.

Approximately one 30-page chapter per lecture, although reading is not necessary to understand the lectures.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Halin Schendan - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Halin Schendan | PSY001 - INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2006-01-05

Professor Schendan's section in PSY1 is generally pretty awful. As a philosophy major, I'm not terribly interested in neurobiology and like many, I took Intro to Psych for the behavioral psychology. Schendan's section is pretty dry and uninteresting. I liked that she used visuals and class demonstrations to keep us paying attention, but she tends to baby her students a lot and treated us like we were very young.

Schendan's test was by far the most difficult; because she dumbed down the material in class, it was harder to expect how challenging the test would be. Many people ended up dropping her test. I found that reading both the textbook and going to lectures was helpful because what I didn't understand in one generally was better clarified in the other.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Philosophy

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Tufts University: Halin Schendan - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Halin Schendan | PSY001 - INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2005-12-25

By far the worst professor I have every had. Questions on exams are pages long and designed NOT to test your knowledge of the material but to see who does not fall victim to her ridiculous and confusing wording. Of the three professor who teach the course everyone agrees she is far and away the worst.

A lot of reading but if spaced out appropriately it is easy.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Child Development

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Tufts University: Halin Schendan - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Halin Schendan | PSY032 - Experimental Psychology | Psychology2005-05-05

In my opinion, this teacher has nothing valuable to offer her students. She teaches this course straight from the book, which is fairly useless, then writes her PowerPoint?s straight from the material in the book, and reads her disorganized PowerPoint?s word for word in class, later to be posted on blackboard. Going to this class is far from a necessity as she has nothing to add to what the book says. She treats students like they are 5 years old and teaches the material as if it were rocket science... when in reality, the class is about how easy it is to format a psychology paper

The work is time consuming and mind numbing. She gave out a book that required us to look through articles and copy down sentences based on their structures and certain "key words." I felt this was stupid and pointless work for an equally stupid and pointless class. I hear Sommers is a much better teacher for this one.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: Halin Schendan - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Halin Schendan | PSY029 - HUMAN NEUROPSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2005-05-04

I feel Professor Schendan treats her students like they're 5 years old. She doesn't understand that we're college students and we're capable of making our own decisions. The class, overall, was a bit interesting in the material that it encompassed. But we had to memorize all of our lecture notes for the exams, and learn from the review sheets, or we wouldn't do well on the exams. She gives us gummy worms in the shape of a brain, which is cool.

Reading amount is insane. At least 2 hours for every class. She does give a few points extra credit for each exam, which is very helpful. Exams were ridiculously hard and were so specific that it was very difficult to memorize everything and still do well. No papers for this class.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Top Professors - Psychology

1. Daniel Hannon (2.65)
2. Joseph Debold (2.48)
3. Sam Sommers (2.4)
4. Donna Mumme (2.28)
5. Carolyn Cohen (2.15)
6. Robert Cook (2.15)
7. Holly Taylor (2.15)
8. David Harder (1.48)
9. Sinai Nathanson (1.32)
10. Michael Carlin (0.75)
11. Lisa Shin (0.65)
12. Phillip Holcomb (0.48)
13. Mitchel Rose (0.45)
14. Emily Bushnell (0.4)
15. Nalini Ambady (-0.02)
16. Halin Schendan (-0.05)
17. Keith Maddox (-0.35)
18. Joanna Morris Florack (-0.85)

Instructor rating avg: 3.3 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.4 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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