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Tufts University: Sinai Nathanson - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sinai Nathanson | PSY013 - Social Psychology | Psychology2006-01-16

I really like Professor Nathanson. I thought that she was a great teacher. I probably learned more in this class than any other class at Tufts. Her powerpoints were so clear, I'm not sure how people had questions, but when they did she always answered them. Studying for tests was incredibly easy because of the clarity of her powerpoints. I look forward to taking another class with her.

The assignements were decent. There are 4 written assignments that take little time and only count as 2.5 points, but if you do them, it's hard to not get full credit. The text book readings were interesting, but if you don't want to read, i suggest reviewing the flashcards on the website provided, which was a huge help.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: Sinai Nathanson - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sinai Nathanson | PSY013 - Social Psychology | Psychology2005-12-21

I would have to disagree with the previous review - Dr. Nathanson's class was generally enjoyable, the material well presented, and she brought in a decent speaker as well as some humor to the class. Granted, the wording of some questions on the exams was misleading, especially the short answer questions, and she did come across as arrogant at times, but overall I enjoyed the course and would take another course with her.

The workload is typical to a Tufts course, if not less. About 50 pages of reading a week.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

review a class you took with Sinai Nathanson - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Sinai Nathanson - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sinai Nathanson | PSY013 - Social Psychology | Psychology2005-12-19

Professor Nathanson comes across as very arrogant and self-assured (come registration time, she will mention repeatedly how quickly her upper level courses fill up, although I can't understand why) and it is probably these traits that hinder her so much in teaching the class--she seems insulted by questions during lecture and is very clearly unable to tolerate students' alternate views. I plan to avoid any future courses with this professor.

Typical intro psych course, weekly text chapters, three exams plus a final. However, Professor has some arrogant hang-ups: for example, if students answer a short answer with wording from the text and not the wording from one of the professor's Power Point slides, you will not receive credit, regardless of whether the answer was correct.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: Sinai Nathanson - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sinai Nathanson | PSY134 - Conflict and Negotiation | Psychology2005-05-06

This is a fun and useful class for almost any field. You should have a decent knowledge of social psychological concepts, and I found it helpful to have taken microecon as well. Class time is essentially divided into Professor Nathanson explaining basic concepts, and role-playing games. Anything can happen with these games -- emotions rise, voices get louder, etc. And then after the game the class gets to analyze what happened and what we can learn from the simulated conflict. Highlights include a game involving real money that students provide, cross-cultural role-playing, and a prisoner's dilemma game. This is a great class if need to fulfill a 100s level course requirement and don't know what to take. You learn a lot about conflict and how to deal with it.

There is a lot of reading, but most of it is pretty interesting. It seems like a waste of time, but you have to do the readings to do the papers. Assignments include three journal papers (3 pages each) in which you have to include analyses of 6 of the previous weeks' readings (10 pts each), an easy group presentation pass/fail (20 pts), 10 pts for class participation, and a major 15-page paper (40 pts). All in all, not a hard class if you keep up with the reading. Be forewarned, Professor Nathanson does not give extensions on papers and is very strict about missing classes (they are 2.5 hour weekly seminars).

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

review a class you took with Sinai Nathanson - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Sinai Nathanson - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sinai Nathanson | PSY013 - Social Psychology | Psychology2004-12-18

The previous review used the term "inspired". The only thing this professor ever inspired me to do is sleep. Lectures are so boring that I hardly ever went. Prof. Nathanson gets particularly offended when students don't attend regularly, even though it is a large lecture class. I tried to get an extension on one of the homeworks, but she refused to work with me because I missed the class it was assigned. I would say the term "vindictive" is more accurate than inspirational.

Three in-term tests and a final, with 4 useless homework?s that count for 10% of the grade. An average workload. Don't take this "lecture" class if you're likely to miss a day or two, because homework?s are not accepted late, even if you missed the day they were assigned.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Sinai Nathanson - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Sinai Nathanson - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sinai Nathanson | PSY013 - Social Psychology | Psychology2004-04-25

This class was one of my favorites at Tufts. She truly knows the subject matter and makes it interesting. I learned so much from this woman because she inspired me.

Not too much work at all.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Sinai Nathanson - help your classmates make informed decisions!
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7. Holly Taylor (2.15)
8. David Harder (1.48)
9. Sinai Nathanson (1.32)
10. Michael Carlin (0.75)
11. Lisa Shin (0.65)
12. Phillip Holcomb (0.48)
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14. Emily Bushnell (0.4)
15. Nalini Ambady (-0.02)
16. Halin Schendan (-0.05)
17. Keith Maddox (-0.35)
18. Joanna Morris Florack (-0.85)

Instructor rating avg: 3.3 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.4 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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