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Tufts University: Matthew Gregory - Sociology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Matthew Gregory | SOC135 - Social Movements | Sociology2005-07-13

I'm really sorry to say, this class was a total waste of my time. Matt is a friendly guy, but he was consistently unorganized throughout the semester. He had us buy 6 books, one of which was out of print, and assigned us no reading, but rambled on about the same mundane "concepts" each class. Then, he'd have us write 8-12 page papers . . . on what?! The class was really pointless. If you're interested in this sort of thing, I would recommend taking it through the Political Science department, I?ve heard much better things. In my opinion, Matt is a bad professor.

If you want to be broke, and get nothing for it, then take this class. 6 books. no reading. He assigned us four or five 8-12 page papers on nothing. His assignments were not straightforward. Oh my god, if you take this class have your case study be on a well-established, well-known organization!!!!!! It will make your life 69000 times easier.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

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Tufts University: Matthew Gregory - Sociology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Matthew Gregory | SOC001 - Introduction to Sociology | Sociology2005-04-22

Professor Gregory changed my life. He is the WORST professor I have ever had. He made a mistake on my grade and after contacting him TEN (10) times, emailing him without getting responses, and finally getting in touch with him, he admitted the he made a mistake. He then promised he would change it and two months later, he never did. I ended up going to the Chair of the department and she had to override the grade HERSELF, so I finally got it changed.

Additionally, I felt his lecture is the biggest waste of time. The only thing they consist of are short anecdotes that have NOTHING to do with the readings in the class. The TA however is fantastic and the readings aren't bad.

One more thing: All of the class of course wanted to attend the Isaam M. Fares lecture and Professor Gregory only said he'd let us leave on one condition: that we write a one page paper on it. This professor really brings back good memories of middle school. WATCH OUT!

There is a good amount of reading to do. The supplemental readings are interesting as well. If you choose to do all the work, you will be busy. Just watch out that he doesn't make a mistake on your grade....calculate everything YOURSELF.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Philosophy

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Tufts University: Matthew Gregory - Sociology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Matthew Gregory | SOC001 - Introduction to Sociology | Sociology2005-01-15

Professor Gregory is certainly one of the worst professors I have ever had. He NEVER connects his lectures to the readings and rarely introduces main sociological concepts. His lecturers generally consist of short stories that are a waste of time. In fact, it isn't even worth attending his class. In addition, he is hard to contact and reach out of class. Also, when we wanted to skip his class to go to the Issaam Fares lecture with Hillary Clinton, he said that we could, but we had to write a 1 page paper about it...what is this high school?
I must comment, however, that the recitations were interesting and useful. The TA was excellent.

There is a good amount of reading for this course if you choose to do it. The textbook reading is like any other textbook reading that you have done. Then there are a couple other supplemental books, one more geared towards consumerism and economics and one called "Limbo" that I found quite interesting.
There is 1 test early in the course which is 60% multiple choice and 40% essays. The multiple choice questions are annoying because if you didn't read every word of the textbook, you could easily miss out. Then midway through, there is a 10 page paper on basically anything you want (not bad). And then a final project which is a "scavenger hunt" paper (mine was 19 pages).
Definitely not a heavy workload.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Matthew Gregory - Sociology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Matthew Gregory | SOC001 - Introduction to Sociology | Sociology2004-11-17

Despite his penchant for telling the same anecdote/factoid multiple times through the semester and his odd way of delivering jokes that one must assume fits perfectly with the joke-y atmosphere of his fellow car-loving, loose-cardigan-wearing, pool-shooting sociologist guy friends, Prof. Gregory knows his stuff.

Not only does he know it, but he makes it engaging - if only tangentially related to the reading for this lecture course. The class is small enough to make you think twice about skipping out, but big enough and broad enough to make the lectures somewhat useless. Gregory himself is the only reason to really show up: He's cool. He wants to be your friend and crack jokes with you. He's a man's man, but he wants to *toss aside those boundaries,* you see?

The thing with the intro. course to the vast majority of social sciences is this: everything is intuitive. Sure, you've never learned what a "society" is, or even what "collective behavior" is, but you can pretty easily intuit it. A slew of the trademark bolded words (faith, formal education, urbanization, bureaucracy, to name a few) will evoke a "duh." There is only one exam, on the first 1/2 of the semester's chapters. After that comes an 8-10 page paper on just about anything sociological (no sources needed) and a final project. You can handle it, and if you actually read - hey, you'll have learned something worthwhile and applicable!

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Sociology

1. Henry Rubin (2.55)
2. Jeff Langstraat (2.35)
3. Sarah Sobieraj (2.15)
4. Paul Joseph (2.05)
5. John Conklin (0.72)
6. Susan Ostrander (0.3)
7. Rosemary Taylor (0.22)
8. Matthew Gregory (-0.08)
9. Paula Aymer (-1.28)

Instructor rating avg: 3.4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.5 out of 5

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