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Tufts University: NUTR101 - HUMAN NUTRITION - Nutrition - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Christina Economos | NUTR101 - HUMAN NUTRITION | Nutrition2004-07-11

This class is wonderful and definitely worth getting out of bed for. The book is not necessary if you take good notes but it is pretty helpful for the huge project due at the end of the semester. The professor is extremely smart and great at teaching lectures.

Not much work at all. If you study hard from your class notes, the tests (two and a final, I think) are not too bad and the diet journal is an automatic A+ if you just DO it.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: NUTR101 - HUMAN NUTRITION - Nutrition - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Christina Economos | NUTR101 - HUMAN NUTRITION | Nutrition2004-05-05

She is a great person, extremely understanding. However she tends to forget that we are only undergraduates, that it's an 8am class, and that most of us are not intimately familiar with all the details of every system in the body. She appears to be enthusiastic about the course, and is very patient, which are two great qualities in a professor - I would definitely take another class with her if it were offered at a less ungodly hour.

She glosses over the notes, goes really fast, and then expects you to remember ridiculous details on the tests. The workload is not bad overall, but the material can get tedious. Definitely not worth getting up at 8am for. If you're taking it to fulfill a distribution requirement and are a non-science type person, I think you can definitely find a better class out there.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: NUTR101 - HUMAN NUTRITION - Nutrition - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Christina Economos | NUTR101 - HUMAN NUTRITION | Nutrition2004-04-25

While this professor seems interested in her students? progress, and certainly knows what she is talking about, I would not recommend this class. Partially due to the class meeting times and partially due to the material, the professor has a survival-of-the-fittest attitude with her students. Overall, she really wants the students to lead healthier lifestyles, but the students end up worrying so much about the tests and grades that it's not worth the science credit.

Unless you purchase the $90 book, go to each 8 am class, and take detailed class notes, the exams are miserable. She does not curve the final grades, but instead assigns a diet record which she grades easily and thinks is a comparable remedy to low/failing exam grades.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: NUTR101 - HUMAN NUTRITION - Nutrition - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Christina Economos | NUTR101 - HUMAN NUTRITION | Nutrition2004-04-25

Not to be mean, but she is a terrible teacher. She doesn't care about the student's progress at all! Understandably there are a lot of people in the class so she can't know everybody, but the average of the second test was a 70 and she refuses to give a curve at all. She speaks really fast and doesn't give you time to take notes. The tests are extremely difficult and she expects you to memorize everything she says in class. I didn't really learn anything because I was too busy trying to do well on the tests to actually give a crap about what she was teaching. Don't take this class.

There isn't any homework which is nice but the tests are really really hard. You're expected to know every detail of every nutrient. It's ridiculous.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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1. Christina Economos (0.95)

Instructor rating avg: 3.3 out of 5
Course rating avg: 1.8 out of 5

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