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Tufts University: LAT001 - Elementary Latin I - Latin - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Susan Setnik | LAT001 - Elementary Latin I | Latin2006-03-29

Magistra, as she had us call her, was the nicest professor I have ever had in the three years I've been at tufts. The class was a little bit tricky, as is learning any new language, but she was always holding extra sessions and making herself available whenever a student needed extra help. She was very organized in lecture, and even held a Roman banquet at her house for the whole class (and even though it wasn't mandatory, well over half the class went). I would highly recommend latin 1 with her. Also, her TA Robin was excellent also.

You definitely need to do the homework to do well in this class. However, there was not a ton ofof homework, and I found it to be less work than the other languages I've taken here. It probably averaged out to 1 to 1.5 hours per class at the most.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Classics

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Tufts University: LAT001 - Elementary Latin I - Latin - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Susan Setnik | LAT001 - Elementary Latin I | Latin2005-04-11

An incredibly easy and fun intro to Latin. People have been known to sleep though tests and still get decent grades. Attendance doesn?t count and Setnik is one of the most available and nice teachers ever.

HW due out of the book every class, 2 midterms and 5 or 6 quizzes, one of which you can drop.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: LAT001 - Elementary Latin I - Latin - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Susan Setnik | LAT001 - Elementary Latin I | Latin2004-12-02

While clearly enthusiastic, Professor Setnik just makes me frustrated with her inability to talk to students as equals. The entire class feels like elementary school, and not in a good way. I always feel like I'm being talked down to and time is wasted on stupid "How do you feel about ___?" assignments that have nothing to do with Latin. I can't learn anything from her because she answers the simplest question with lengthy explanations of things that don't relate. I've done most of my work independently and go to the TA with questions. At least she can talk to us like the intelligent college students we are.

The translations and grammar drills are easy. Stupid busy work (ie, how would you feel if you lived in ancient Rome?) that are demeaning for college students. Silly projects that waste class time, don't take much time to do. Of course, if listening to a project means I don't have to deal with Setnik for a while, it's not that bad.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: LAT001 - Elementary Latin I - Latin - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Susan Setnik | LAT001 - Elementary Latin I | Latin2004-04-22

Susan Setnik, while very enthusiastic about her work, is not a good teacher in any respects. The classes are cluttered with pointless projects and loads of useless junk that cannot be called information. The class work is about as easy as you can get. The whole atmosphere of the class harkens back to third grade. Despite her obvious passion for the subject and concern for the students, I believe Setnik to be the worst professor, and one of the worst teachers I have ever had.

The work in this class is fairly easy, and the grading even easier. A joke project is assigned in each of her classes, which just turns out to be a waste of time. Good class for an easy grade.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: LAT001 - Elementary Latin I - Latin - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Susan Setnik | LAT001 - Elementary Latin I | Latin2004-04-22

Professor Setnik is by far one of the best professors at Tufts. She has a deep concern for students' understanding and she goes out of her way to meet with you if you need extra help.

When you take Latin 1 and 2, you not only learn Latin and learn it well, but also you gain insight into the culture that influenced the language.

Far from being useless, the projects, if you invest a little time and energy in them, are excellent ways to combine the language and culture together.

As a graduate student who took both Latin 1 and 2 to review the basics and refresh my memory, I particularly appreciated the collegial atmosphere Professor Setnik established from the first day of class on. Everybody got to know everybody in the class and no one was left out of class discussions, group projects etc.

Professor Setnik herself is very kind, understanding and extremely enthusiastic. She is also one of the best teachers at Tufts.

Workload wasn't bad if you keep up with assignments.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: LAT001 - Elementary Latin I - Latin - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Susan Setnik | LAT001 - Elementary Latin I | Latin2004-04-14

She is the most enthusiastic teacher I've ever had. She cares a lot about her students and their progress. She bakes cupcakes/brownies for the class on special occasions and even invited the class to a Roman banquet at her house. Because of her enthusiasm, I learned a lot.

Not that much work. Homework is usually just translation out of a book or textbook. Projects are fun.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Susan Setnik - help your classmates make informed decisions!
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Top Professors - Latin

1. Susan Setnik (1.34)
2. Regina Merzlak (-0.7)

Instructor rating avg: 3.5 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.4 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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