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Tufts University: GEO001 - The Dynamic Earth - Geology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Anne Gardulski | GEO001 - The Dynamic Earth | Geology2004-09-21

Professor Gardulski is a wonderful teacher! I learned so much in her classes that I am now a Geo major! She is possibly the most dedicated professor at Tufts, and I've never met anyone with a stronger prerogative to help students really learn the material. Her tests are hard, but graded fairly - I think some people assumed the course would be a "blow off" but it really requires some studying.

Almost no assignments during the year, and lab has NO WRITEUP! yay! Studying for tests is really the most time consuming aspect of the course.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: GEO001 - The Dynamic Earth - Geology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Anne Gardulski | GEO001 - The Dynamic Earth | Geology2004-09-08

Anne is a great professor. She works better with smaller groups, versus Bert who thrives on large lectures. She is very thorough in lecture and seeks to help students understand the material. At times, she can seem a little boring, but most often she is funny and easy going. Her knowledge of the subject is obvious, and she is a very fair grader.

Labs require NO write ups, and there is NO (or little) homework. The main work is done digesting the material in lecture and applying it to lab. The course seems to be more memorizing than application at the beginning of the semester, but towards the end it is evenly mixed.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: GEO001 - The Dynamic Earth - Geology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Robert Reuss | GEO001 - The Dynamic Earth | Geology2004-04-06

The Dynamic Earth quite literally offers something for everyone. Those looking to major in the natural sciences will find this course to be an excellent introduction to the study of the Earth, and those dreading having to fulfill their science requirements will find a user-friendly experience with a manageable workload. Reuss delivers some of the most lively and animated lectures on the hill, each one with enthusiasm that belies the fact he has been teaching the same course for decades. Vivid demonstrations accompany the lecture notes, which are, without fail, written meticulously on the blackboard half an hour before the class begins. Although there are typically over 100 students in the class, Bert (as he insists on being called) will memorize everyone's name within the first few weeks.

Geology 1 will take up a considerable amount of class time each week; there are three lectures and one lab, which is usually a three-to-four-hour field trip to geologic formations in the Boston area. The reading load is always manageable, however; and the labs are always interesting. There are two hour-long examinations and one final. This is not "Rocks for Jocks;" success on each exam requires a good deal of studying. The material should be interesting even for non-science types, however, and the lectures and labs are so well done that going to class is never a chore.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Geology

1. Anne Gardulski (1.48)
2. Robert Reuss (1.15)
3. John Ridge (0.48)

Instructor rating avg: 4.4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 4.3 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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