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Tufts University: BIO008 - HUMAN HEREDITY - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Eli Siegel | BIO008 - HUMAN HEREDITY | Biology2006-04-28

Agree with above comments -

Nice teacher sort of devoid of personality very into what he does knows a lot but doesnt present it in a very engaging manner the information is potentially interesting but he focuses on the most minute details-and this is a class for Non-bio majors but, doesnt feel like it the tests are arbitrary, very detailed questions which are worth a lot and ask some specific thing that you probably don't remember.

Wouldn't reccomend it unless you've had previous biology and are willing to work very hard.

Theres no daily homework but, do the practice problems on the homework before the test, and take very good notes, read the handouts, and..cross your fingers

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Sociology

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Tufts University: BIO008 - HUMAN HEREDITY - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Eli Siegel | BIO008 - HUMAN HEREDITY | Biology2005-04-12

AWFUL COURSE. I took it to fulfill a science requirement and was very disappointed. The subject could be interesting, but Siegel spends way too much time on the molecular level and then randomly mentions diseases in the middle of a lecture and then never mention it again. His explanations contradict diagrams in the books and he only has one explanation for every topic, so seeing him during office hours is useless. At the beginning of the semester, my class had about 25 people. By the end, we were down to 8 or 9. Find something else to fulfill a science requirement.

Reading load is standard but if you don't understand it, he's not a great resource for help. I thought the tests were impossible (he asks the strangest questions that require calculators) and nothing is straight forward. No homework due in classes, though, but if you don't read, you won't understand anything.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Archaeology

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Tufts University: BIO008 - HUMAN HEREDITY - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Eli Siegel | BIO008 - HUMAN HEREDITY | Biology2004-04-25

A nice way to fill a science requirement. Class attendance is practically useless. The textbook is really easy to read and understand. If you study a lot for the test and do all the practice tests he gives you (tests from past two semesters) you will do well in this class. Not going to be the most interesting class you take here, but at least its not astronomy.

All the hw and reading can be done right before the test as a means of studying. 3 tests, 3 quizzes, no final and one take home test.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: BIO008 - HUMAN HEREDITY - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Eli Siegel | BIO008 - HUMAN HEREDITY | Biology2004-04-24

This class is so unbelievably boring it makes me want to cry. Eli Siegel seems very smart and VERY enthusiastic about his topic, but he is so deathly boring it's unreal. Paradoxically, if you CAN bring yourself to listen to him, he talks too fast to take notes and never repeats himself. Luckily, you can get by with just the textbook.

Very reasonable courseload, decent for non-bio majors despite the incredible boringness.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Biology

1. Barry Trimmer (2.6)
2. Lewis Edgers (2.6)
3. David Cochrane (2.35)
4. Michael Reed (2.1)
5. Sara Lewis (2.1)
6. Jan Pechenik (1.85)
7. Harry Bernheim (1.6)
8. Margaret Lynch (1.6)
9. Ross Feldberg (1.37)
10. Astier Almedom (1.27)
11. Philip Starks (0.8)
12. Eli Siegel (0.6)
13. L. Michael Romero (0.6)
14. Frances Sze-Ling Chew (0.6)
15. Catherine Freudenreich (0.35)
16. George Ellmore (-0.07)
17. Michelle Gaudette (-0.19)

Instructor rating avg: 3.4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.4 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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